
Customer Testimonials

"Latest safety guidelines"

“As a professional Electrical Engineer, I was pleased that SE6 SERVICES contractors ensured that only equipment meeting the very latest industry safety guidelines was installed in my house.”

Peter Williams

"Excellent unbiased advice"

“Thank you for excellent service.

Thank you so much for the fast, reliable service and excellent unbiased advice.

My central heating system is now working perfectly and I will be recommending SE6 SERVICES to my friends and colleagues.

Working for a DIY store I am often told how difficult it is to find a good Electricians & Plumbers, so it’s really nice to find such a well-run professional company.

Keep up the good work.”

Tomas Garcia

"Always Reliable"

“Just to say that I had the pleasure of doing business with SE6 SERVICES and the experience was a good one.

Mike was always reliable – but also very friendly.”

David Mazhindu

Highly Recommend

“Had a new consumer unit fitted and could not fault the service whatsoever.

I would highly recommend.”

Joy Miller

"Fair and honest"

“I used SE6 Services for contractors to carry out some rewiring on my house last week and would definitely use them again.

They gave a fair and honest quote for works needed and took time to explain the electrical jargon in plain English!

Many thanks to Mike, all the electrical bits and bobs now work great and everything was completed on time.”

Ade Oluwale

"Excellent service"

“The contractors they supplied spent over an hour trying to find the source of the problem with our wiring, finally sorting it very quickly.

Excellent service, no hesitation in recommending them to anyone. Thank you. ”

Donald White

"I would Recommend"

“Fast and efficient service, I would recommend the use of this company.”

Maxine Davis

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You can contact us via phone, WhatsApp, email or alternatively, you can fill in the following contact form and we will be in touch.

Tel/WhatApp: 07507 066447

Email: mike@se6services.co.uk

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